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Project Zomboid
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02.12.2013, 16:26
Список изменений:
Change list :
A tons of change in the loot spawn:
Balanced loots in West Point.
Fixed loots on specific rooms (no more bacon in pharmacy, etc.).
Added more specific loots in container (wallet in some locker...).
Added more specific loots in rooms (toolstore, mechanic...).
Fixed some container type (some container wasn't flagged as container).
Some items weren't spawned enough (barbed wire, sand bag..).
Fixed the gunstore windows (now you can't pass through them, neither the zombies).
Fixed the texture in equipped items (they were a bit low quality due to resize).
Fixed world inventory icon (when you drop an item, the icon was big on the ground).
Changed the Combat part in Survival Guide (we now use right click to charge - left click to hit).
Some UI polish.
Lot of translation update.
Changed canned soup icon.
Now the canned soup need to be opened with a tin opener before drink it (or cook).
Balanced knife/spoon/fork condition.
Fixed some crafting bugs.
Fixed lighting issues
Fixed memory leaks.
Fixed sheet rope.
Fixed harvesting farming plant.
Fixed tomato vegetables.
Fixed the take in game screenshot shift.
Fixed home trailer doors.
Fixed the crafting system.
Fixed world inventory texture (+ fixed them on load).
Fixed equipped items color.
Now equipped bag in 2nd hand will be loaded correctly.

Если просит ключ:
Идёте в папку с сохранениями игры (Win+R, %userprofile%/Zomboid, если в папке %userprofile% нет папки Zomboid - создайте), внутри папки с сохранениями создаёте два файла: "2133243254543.log", внутри которого следует написать блокнотом 3 строки:
и совершенно пустой файл с названием "0c203f29de0cac49a79f39d725bb83c3.key".
Эти манипуляции отобьют у игры желание просить пароль.
Категория: Скачки | Добавил: НСеменович
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